

Business, limited success, hard work, favours returned, positive changes forethought, care, decisions, contemplation, material securities, rewards for work well done.



75 / 12 / 3   

28th of August to the 2nd of September

12th to the 22nd of May

Rhubarb is a laxative and an astringent. The Rhubarb root is used to promote bowel movement, to aid digestion and to relieve blood in the stools.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates solid development, spiritual perfection, the completion of a cycle, inner-wisdom and the inner-self.

The VII of Pentacles is a card which denotes that through perseverance, effort, determination and hard work, success will be inevitable. It symbolizes the ‘fruits of one’s labours’.  

The 7 of Pentacles indicates the choice between material security and creative inspiration.

The VII of Pentacles relates to the number 7, which is the number of rest, learning, understanding, psychic and spiritual abilities, mysticism and patience. 

The 7 of Pentacles relates to the number 75 / 12 / 3, and tells of the hidden treasures of self-expression and communication. It is also the number of creative energy and aims to bring spiritual energies into manifestation. In relation to the number 75 / 12 / 3, the VII of Pentacles asks that you realize that material things do not amount to much as you will receive fulfilment through living your truths.

The number 3 in relation to the Seven of Pentacles tells of creativity and the need to pursue creative endeavours which lead to personal fulfilment.

The VII of Pentacles tells of assessing the gains of your labours.

Appearing in a reading, the VII of Pentacles indicates that changes to come will bring about an increase in income and prosperity. If in the process of negotiating finances, money, loans or sales, you are asked not to become overly anxious. 

7’s in a reading indicates a time of solitude and asking questions of the inner-self. In a reading, it implies that there is a focus of limited successes. Plan your next move carefully and you should have a welcomed change to your financial position.

The VII of Pentacles represents a change (or changes) in direction. It is a card which indicates material securities with options for a new course to take. Decisions to do with choice/s is apparent. It is important to weigh up all options  -  the choice being whether to remain in the position you are currently in, or to step forward towards the ‘new’.

In a reading, the 7 of Pentacles tells of a slow but steady rise in income, and you are now able to start a new saving account or plan. There may be some delays in regards to negotiations and the like, so use this time to go over all final plans and prepare yourself for the busy times to come.

The Seven of Pentacles asks you to be patient. 

A sudden change or option may present itself when the 7 of Pentacles appears in a spread. There are important decisions to be made and clear communication is needed in order to come to the right conclusion or decision. Discussions lead to success. 

The Seven of Pentacles infers that a positive change for the better will affect your income and personal life. The 7 of Pentacles appearing in a tarot reading indicates that hard work has be repaid, and now is the time to take a break and enjoy life’s rewards.

The VII of Pentacles tells you not to be overly anxious if a delay or postponement takes place in regards to some financial negotiations. All is going to plan, so use this time constructively and plan your next move.

The 7 of Pentacles indicates that some personal growth through good, honest effort and hard work has taken place.  This will lead to a positive attitude and positive outcomes for future endeavours.

Financially, the Seven of Pentacles indicates that a welcomed change in the form of a win or windfall is about to take place. There may be a building up of resources and rewards for work well done. You are encouraged to ‘keep your nose to the grindstone’ as this is paying good dividends for you, and will continue to do so.

The 7 of Pentacles implies you have some organizing or planning to do before making your next move. There is room for a great deal of growth at this time, so you must be patient in order for your desires to come to fruition.

2 Sevens:

Two Sevens appearing in a spread together warns of false-friends.

3 Sevens:
Three 7s in a spread often foretells of a pregnancy.

4 Sevens:
Four Sevens appearing in a reading warns of serious misunderstandings and even verbal abuse.

The 7 of Pentacles, when placed next to The Wheel of Fortune, is telling you that your intuitive powers are acute at this time and you are to use them when making important decisions regarding investments and/or business ventures.  Rely on your inner-wisdom when making your final decisions.

Next to The WHEEL of FORTUNE and the 9 of CUPS:
Appearing next The Wheel of Fortune and the 9 of Cups, the 7 of Pentacles tells of important decisions to be made in regards to monetary investments and financial issues. Use your intuition, as you are being prompted subconsciously.

Next to the 9 of CUPS:
When the VII of Pentacles appears in a spread next to the Nine of Cups, it is an indication that now is a good time to make important decisions and make good, solid
investments. Positive action taken at this time will lead to fruition of your goals and just rewards for efforts.

Next to The EMPRESS:
The VII of Pentacles appearing next to The Empress is a message to not become too upset or perturbed if you do not receive the attention or approval you wish for from your partner or loved one/s. Do not be hurt or offended if you feel neglected or as though you are not receiving the attention you desire. This time will pass quickly and you will receive the appreciation you seek. In time your efforts will be acknowledged and justly rewarded.

Next to The EMPEROR:
When the 7 of Pentacles appears next to The Emperor it is a message to not be overly concerned if you meet disapproval from your partner or loved one/s. Do not allow it to bother you too much.

With 3 Sevens of any Suit:
When the Seven of Pentacles appears in a spread with three 7s of any suit it is an indication that you are currently surrounded by lots of changes and opportunities. You are asked to consider all options objectively before making the final informed choice or decision.


Anxiety, impatience, disappointments, concerns regarding financial aspects, stress, nervousness, delays, postponements.

Appearing reversed, the 7 of Pentacles tells of more money going out than what is coming in at this time.

Reversed, the 7 of Pentacles may be foretelling of a delay or postponement in an enterprise or the loss of a promising fulfilment of a goal or achievement.

The reversed 7 of Pentacles may be warning of a cause for worry or concern over money and financial issues. There has been some unprofitable speculations in regards to financial or business matters, and things have not been as profitable for you as you would have liked.

Reversed, the 7 of Pentacles may be telling of a feeling of self-pity and feeling sorry for yourself, undue stress and worry, and the inability to carry on in life.

The VII of Pentacles reversed asks you not be make any rash or hasty decisions pertaining to business and finances.  Impatience can ruin everything. To act in haste, without taking appropriate time to consider all options will ultimately lead to failure. Do not take financial risks at this time.

Reversed, the 7 of Pentacles tells of a lack of energy and enthusiasm, a heavy burdensome work load and depressive, negative emotions.

The reversed VII of Pentacles indicates a feeling of anxiety and depression, more than likely to do with finances, or lack thereof.

Reversed, the VII of Pentacles tells that a friend or family member may approach you in an effort to gain a loan or to request financial assistance. You should use discernment and not concede if there is a concern about debts and repayments becoming a financial burden.

Reversed VII of Pentacles may be indicating that you have resigned yourself to the fact that a project you may have been involved with will be non-profitable. It may also be that a lack of vision is limiting your success. With renewed enthusiasm and hard work the venture could be more profitable than first expected.

The message of the reversed 7 of Pentacles is to stay as patient as you possibly can, as impatience and rushing things can ruin your plans. Do not make any rash decisions at this time. It also asks you to think very carefully before making any major choices or changes.

Health-wise, the reversed 7 of Pentacles is telling you to keep a check on fatigue, depression and stress as these will have an adverse affect on your overall wellbeing. Seek professional advice if necessary. You are prompted to take appropriate care of yourself at this time.

Joanne WalmsleySacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers

ANGEL NUMBERS - Repeating Number Sequences


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