

Family oriented, hard worker, business, responsibility, creative intelligence, law, divinity/divinatory, radiance, visionary, science, intuition, stability, solid, leadership, wisdom, reliability trustworthiness, affectionate.




37 / 10 / 1  


11th to the 19th of February

Saw Palmetto is a tonic and nutritive, and promotes the development of all the glands in the body. Saw Palmetto is said to increase muscles and flesh and enlarges the mammary glands of women. It is also used to promote potency and fertility in both and women. Saw Palmetto is also used to treat prostrate problems.

The King of Cups can represent an actual person (male or female) who is peaceful, tolerant and agreeable. The King of Cups indicates ‘man’, positivity, energy, activity and creativity.

The King of Cups comes across as a cultured, sophisticated and most often well-educated man who is difficult to fathom at times. A cool and competent exterior often hides fears and emotional difficulties. He may be afraid of intimacy and although supportive of those close to him, he is slow to demonstrate affection.

The King of Cups is depicted as a mature, reliable and respected man. This man is trustworthy and honest, and displays a great deal of empathy. He is wise and intelligent and will be supportive and constructive in a time of need.

The King of Cups depicts a man who is supportive, considerate and has a caring and nurturing nature. He has a genuine love of home and family and is emotionally stable.

The King of Cups is an approachable man and is someone who can be respected and relied upon. He always puts other people first before himself and has the belief that people are innately good.

The King of Cups focuses upon acting out and living the qualities of the Suit of Cups, making him understanding, wise, emotionally stable and secure within himself. 

The King of Cups is depicted as an experienced and compassionate person who knows intuitively what choices to make and which approach is needed at any given moment. 

The King of Cups is a reliable man, often associated with the law, authoritarian roles or Divinity. This man is one to take on responsibilities, and is often interested in science and the arts.

The King of Cups depicts one who has very deep feelings, who is well-balanced and who controls his emotions. He provides wise counsel to others who seek his advice and wisdom.

The King of Cups is a very keen lover, but he can be manipulative and unemotional at times.

The sceptor that the King of Cups holds is the symbol of ‘power’ and leadership qualities in authoritive positions.

The King of Cups relates to the number 37 / 10 / 1 which tells of great wisdom and leadership qualities.  It tells of organization and the goal of justice for all.

Appearing in a reading, the King of Cups implies that there is a focus on business matters, and you may well encounter an authoritive man whose advice and assistance prove to be invaluable.

You may encounter a man of religious views and/or beliefs, who may arouse your interest in spiritual development.

When the King of Cups appears in a reading it may mean that someone may be entering your life who will have a loving, caring nature, and this person will assist or help you in some way.

The King of Cups is diplomatic, subtle, patient and wise and when he is drawn in a tarot spread it is implying that you follow his need and live your life by his example.

With 2 KINGS of Any Suit:

When the King of Cups appears in a reading with any two other Kings of any suit, it is indicated that a celebration, small promotion, public recognition and/or honour are ahead.

With 3 KINGS of Any Suit:
Implies success with a particular business transaction.

A Spread With 4 KINGS:
Complete success with all endeavours is indicated when all four Kings appear in a spread.

With Many Other COURT Cards:
When the King of Cups appears with many other Court Cards in a reading, it indicates that many people are involved in a situation. 

With Many Other CUP Cards:
When the King of Cups appears with many other Cups in a reading, it tells of deep emotions concerning loved ones.

A profusion of Cups in a tarot reading indicates situations to do with love and happiness. If there are many cups in the spread, it refers to loved ones, deep emotions and concerns.


Possessive, over-bearing, selfish, dishonesty, double-dealing, roguery, exaction, injustice, vice, scandal, loss.

Appearing reversed, the King of Cups represents someone who cannot be trusted, especially in the business and financial sectors. He may be inclined to use his superior education and privileged social contacts to take advantage of others and deceive people who though themselves friends.

The King of Cups appearing reversed in a spread implies that you would be well advised not to become involve in any way (but particularly in business matters) with any unknown man, no matter how enticing the offer or idea may initially seem.

When the King of Cups appears reversed in a reading, it tells you to avoid his wrath, and not to get on his wrong-side.

If the King of Cups appears reversed in a reading, it may be indicating an instance where you feel misled and/or badly treated. It may be an indication of being double-crossed or a deal gone sour.

The King of Cups, when appearing reversed, may be indicating that there may be an issue of infidelity within a relationship. It may also indicate an instance where someone (usually male) is determined to ‘control’ all around him. It may be an indication of double-dealing, loss, misunderstandings and disagreements.

Reversed, the King of Cups may be one who is filled with anger and who may become excessively flirtatious.

Reversed, the King of Cups can appear sullen, demanding, waspish and overly sensitive. He may appear honourable at first, but will soon show his true colours. Take extra care when dealing with him. The message of the King of Cups reversed is a warning to watch your back.

Joanne Walmsley

Sacred Scribes


  1. ♡ღ♥ღ♡ Nothing But The Best (We Are/Do/Get)♡ღ♥ღ♡

    ♡ღ♥ღ♡ ♡ღ♥ღ♡

  2. Thank you! Sent an email to acknowledge my appreciation.

  3. I did a reading for someone. The first question was "How does he feel for his gf?" I got the 9 of swords and then asked "Why is he with her?" I drew the King of Cups. It doesn't make sense to me. The only thing I'm thinking is that he feels miserable in the relationship. I know he's cheating on her but why is he still with her?

  4. What is the meaning behind the king of cups and reversed justice combo
