

Openness, contentment, happiness within the home, good health and wellbeing, love, emotion, growth, joy, contentment, nourishment, positive abundance, fertility, spiritual fulfilment, enlightenment, supreme unconditional love, success, blessedness, affection, intimacy, deep feelings, compassion.


The Moon




Upsurge of feelings and emotions and new relationships.


22nd to the 27th of May

The Ace of Cups depicts Spring  -  September, October and November in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Ace of Cups depicts Spring  -  March, April and May in the Northern Hemisphere.

The peduncle of the Lotus is used as an astringent for bleeding and haemorrhages and also for bloody stools and retention of lochia. The stamen of the lotus are used for premature ejaculation, involuntary seminal emissions, nocturnal emissions and frequent urination. The seeds of lotus are used for spontaneous ejaculation, vaginal discharge, insomnia, palpitations, chronic diarrhea and for a lack of appetite. The plume is used for nervousness, thirst and hypertension, and the root is eaten as a food to strengthen the heart and lungs.

The Ace of Cups indicates the beginning of love and happiness.

Aces are portals between the realms of the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. They allow powerful, but impersonal forces to come into your life. An Ace is always interpreted as beneficial, positive and life-enhancing.

An Ace can also represent a window of opportunity that is opening. The Ace tells you to pay attention so you don't miss it. Think of an Ace as a seed of possibility that will grow given your attention and care.

When you are working with an Ace, look for the potential in every situation. See how you might take advantage of whatever comes your way because you will have the chance to make real and important changes in your life.

The Ace of Cups announces the beginning of great possibilities and can mark the start of a new relationship, can signify a burgeoning friendship and tells of and attraction and intuitive knowing.

The Ace of Cups tells of the beginning of all good things, including love, health and joy within the home and tells of many blessings. The Ace of Cups may also indicate a possible new start in artistic and/or creative avenues.

The Ace of Cups symbolizes ‘the beginning’, fertility, unexpressed creativity and co-operation.

The Ace of Cups represents the feminine element of Water and is associated with love relationships and emotional growth. 

The dove bearing a communion above a water chalice or cup marked with a cross indicates that this is a spiritual and/or religious card.

The Ace, numerologically being the number 1, contains a highly potent emotional energy. This energy may lead to a new relationship, or the revival of an old one.

As the Ace of Cups is related to the number 1 it indicates new beginnings and new opportunities, creation, initiative, instinct and intuition, force and activity.

The Ace of Cups relates to the number 41 / 5 and this tells of a desire to have a ‘record’ in their life, such as making a ‘name’ for themselves.

An Ace in a reading shows that its qualities and influences are becoming available to you. If you take advantage of them you will achieve greater happiness and success in all ways. An Ace can indicate that a new adventure is beginning.

In a reading, the Ace of Cups tells you that it is a great time to explore new experiences, and suggests that you will be successful in any pursuit you undertake.

Appearing in a reading, the Ace of Cups shows that there is contentment and fulfilment within a relationship and openness with loved ones. The Ace of Cups tells of peace of mind and personal happiness.

The Ace of Cups tells that things on the domestic front are about to change for the better, and this may involve a new home or change of residence.

The Ace of Cups may be implying that someone new may enter your life and the attractions you feel for them will be intense.

An Ace of Cups in a reading indicates that there is a focus on awakenings of new thoughts concerning inner-values, truths and desires.

The Ace of Cups in a reading indicates that you are enjoying a time of pleasure and contentment. You will feel spiritually enlightened and at peace both within yourself and with the world at large.

Appearing in a tarot spread, the Ace of Cups tells that an offer or gift may be forthcoming in the near future.

The Ace of Cups indicates changes in home affairs that will ultimately result in happiness for all concerned. Activities regarding a present home, a new home, or making a new start is indicated by the Ace of Cups.

The Ace of Cups also encourages you to attend to the finer details of a new project in order for it to come to fruition successfully.

When the Ace of Cups appears it is indicating that new spiritual insights and sensitivities are developing within you. It also tells of making a new start with something important of a personal nature.

Financial affairs will begin to improve with the Ace of Cups in a reading.

The Ace of Cups may also be telling of a pregnancy or marriage.

When the Ace of Cups appears, you may be sure that positive energies abound.


Two Aces in a spread often tells of a wedding.

Three Aces appearing in a reading tells of legal action about a financial matter.

Four Aces appearing in a spread tells of the best of fortunes in your finances and your career sector.

Next to The WHEEL of FORTUNE:

When the Ace of Cups appears next to the Wheel of Fortune in a reading it indicates that your financial position will be greatly improved in quick time. It also indicates that additional income or an influx of money is on the way.

Next to The LOVERS:
The Ace of Cups placed next to The Lovers in a tarot spread tells of positive improvements in regards to family relationship and issues. Issues of the past will be resolved.

SWORDS on All Sides:
The Ace of Cups appearing with Swords cards on all sides indicates unsettled conditions in the home environment and that things within the family may be strained at this time.


Sadness, despondency, loneliness, instability, revolution, mutation.

The reversed Ace of Cups could be telling of anxiety and feeling over-anxious about everything in life at the moment.

Reversed, the water appearing on the Ace of Cups card represents tears brought about by feelings of loneliness and a lack of security. 

Appearing reversed the Ace of Cups may be telling of a disappointment within a relationship, or even the demise or an end of that union.

The Ace of Cups, when it appears reversed in a tarot spread, indicates the need for change. It may also indicate a feeling of being stuck in a rut, feeling bored and/or disgruntled and may suggest a lack of energy due to non-activity. It may symbolize that new goals and aspirations are needed. 

The feeling of depression or of being unloved and unwanted may be pervading when the Ace of Cups appears reversed and is an indication for a desperate need for balance. Also, remain ware of emotional upsets, stress and tension, as these may adversely affect your health.

The reversed Ace of Cups indicates disappointments and disruptive influences. When the Ace of Cups appears reversed in a reading it may be an indication that you are behaving in an egotistical or self-centred manner. Keep this in check; otherwise others may turn their back on you and your ideals and this can lead to unhappiness and depression.

The reversed Ace of Cups tells of feeling disgruntled, bored, un-motivated, lackadaisical and unhappy. It is up to you to turn this around for your own benefit.

Appearing reversed, the Ace of Cups may indicate that the creation of a deeper connection to another is being blocked and/or hindered. This may be due to circumstances beyond your control, or due to a fear of intimacy. It is a time to consider how the past is connected to the present, and how it may be interfering with the ability to be intimate and close with others. You are encouraged to examine your life circumstances to determine what is getting in the way of developing new relationships, and make choices and take action to rectify them.

Joanne WalmsleySacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energy of Numbers
ANGEL NUMBERS - Repeating Number Sequences

1 comment:

  1. When interpreting the cards using numerology a 10 is taken to be a one. But, this still does not make it an "ace." Should I count the 10 as an ace by your method? Thank you so much! :)
