

Harmony, affinity, passion, union, unity, sympathy, support, trust, deep friendship, love affair, marriage, romance, a prosperous business partnership, a close friendship, commitment, engagement, bonding, understanding, harmony between souls.


The Moon



28th of May to the 2nd of June

20th of June to the 2nd of July

Uva Ursi is a diuretic, an astringent and an anti-biotic. Uva Ursi is used as a urinary astringent for all genitourinary conditions. Uva Ursi is also taken to help restore normal blood sugar levels in diabetes. Uva Ursi can be taken after childbirth to prevent infections and helps to restore the womb back to normal size.

The Two of Cups indicates form, fertility, unexpressed creativity and co-operation.

Two’s in a reading indicates a period of waiting and anticipation of success in the future and there is a focus on relationships. Partnerships and unions are represented by the Two of Cups. 

The 2 of Cups is a card that signifies reconciliation. Struggles come to an end and harmony is restored when the Two of Cups appears in a reading. All relationships benefit from the energy of the Two of Cups. 

The 2 of Cups can make one feel strongly connected to others and depicts the beginning of a new friendship or love relationship. It tells of the strong bond of love and trust between two people and is a card of kindness, compassion, thoughtfulness and mutual affection.

Above the figures of the man and the woman depicted in the 2 of Cups is the ‘Caduceus of Hermes’, and between the wings appears the head of a lion.

The Two of Cups tells of a couple pledging to one another, and tells of binds, connections and ties between people on all levels.

The 2 of Cups often indicates the early days of a relationship, when the power of love and attraction are at their greatest. At the beginning of a love affair or romance it is not unusual to see one’s partner without any faults. We are so attracted by the person’s positive qualities that their failings are often overlooked. The Two of Cups indicates the kind of ‘blind love’ which is typical of a new relationship.

The message of the 2 of Cups is that kindness, thoughtfulness and co-operation keeps people bound together. 

The 2 of Cups relates to the number 2 which is a number of duality, balance, diplomacy, adaptability, co-operation, consideration, receptivity and love.

The II of Cups relates to the number 42 / 6  and tells of service and of the need for security without restraints. It also tells of truth, love, home and family.

In a reading, the Two of Cups can be indicative of solid, logical ideas being discussed between two people. There is open and honest communication between the two
people involved. The co-operation you receive from someone will give you a huge boost on many levels.

The II of Cups can be a message that an unexpected letter, message or information is on its way and you to expect a surprise in the form of a gift, celebration or letter. It can also represent an unexpected gift or event.

The Two of Cups appearing in a reading indicates a new friendship or romance that is of a positive nature. The 2 of Cups indicates the unity of two people. If you are forming a new relationship, the II of Cups suggests that it will be extremely rewarding and successful.

The II of Cups appearing in a reading indicates that you may find love with someone you have not previously thought of in a romantic way. It is important to keep an open mind and be open to possibilities.

The II of Cups indicates the sharing of one’s gifts with another and of a perfectly controlled energy flowing between them, both within and without.

The 2 of Cups can also be telling of a reconciliation in an existing relationship that has undergone some difficulties, tests and trials.

The Two of Cups may be signifying contractual agreements and/or meetings between business partners is imminent.

The 2 of Cups in a reading indicates good solid ideas that pass between two people, and shows a balance of idea and plans with a kindred soul.The Two of Cups represents giving and receiving of energies between two people.

If you are in an ongoing or long-term relationship, there will be renewed communication and passion.

2 Twos:
Two 2s in a spread tells of a commitment or engagement.

3 Twos:
Three Twos in a reading may be warning of a extra-marital affair.

4 Twos:
Four 2s appearing in a spread tells of looking for love in all the wrong places.

Next to The TOWER:
When the Two of Cups appears in a reading next to The Tower, it tells of adjustments or re-adjustments needing to be made within a personal relationship. This could
be caused by unexpected circumstances and changes or because of stress or pressure caused by waiting for expected news or information.

The II of Cups appearing next to The High Priestess in a tarot spread tells of feeling insecure within a relationship or insecurity involving a loved one. It tells of being unable to penetrate your partner’s depth, making you feel incomplete and uncomfortable.

The High Priestess next to the 2 of Cups may indicate that you feel insecure in regards to a loved one.

Next to The LOVERS:
The 2 of Cups next to The Lovers indicates a soul mate union  -  Twin Flames.

Next to The SUN:
The II of Cups appearing next to The Sun tells of a great love and shared understanding. Two people (a couple) will enjoy many blessings together.

Next to the 2 of Cups, the Sun card tells of a great love and a deep understanding that is shared and enjoyed. It also tells of many blessings to come.


Arguments, mistrust, disagreements, conflict, betrayal, separation, broken promises, broken romance, the end of a relationship, disharmony, separation, divorce, unfulfilling and dissatisfying relationships.

Appearing reversed, the Two of Cups may be signifying an argument, disagreement or conflict of some kind within a close relationship. It may also imply a mistrust and a sense of betrayal.

The Two of Cups reversed indicates that partnerships may falter because too much energy is being put into ‘them’, creating an intense and suffocating relationship.

Reversed, the II of Cups suggests that there may be a problem and one must focus on the highest truths of the relationship in order to work it out.

Reversed, the Two of Cups may indicate that a new perspective or concept is needed.

Appearing reversed, the Two of Cups warns you that decisions regarding the long-term future of a relationship are best left for a time. Do not act in haste.

The Two of Cups reversed may be telling of challenges, obstacles, arguments and disagreements within a relationship. It asks that you not be possessive, over-bearing or too demanding, otherwise this may damage the love within a relationship. Instead, consider all options and think things through to get a new or different perspective.

Relationship-wise, when the 2 of Cups appears reversed in a spread, it indicates that a loss of balance is happening within the relationship. This may be caused by one being either too possessive or too demanding upon the others, or through a lack of mutual trust.

Appearing reversed, the 2 of Cups can indicate that the pairing off to the exclusion of all other people and situations is taking place, and must be brought to the forefront.

Unhealthy relationships that drain your energies need to be re-assessed, and a new course of action may be needed.

Joanne WalmsleySacred Scribes
NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energy of Numbers

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