Victory, trauma, success, triumph, good news, high expectations, glory, hope, advancement, faith, achievement, public acclaim, promotion, qualification, recognition, effort, conquest, good news, good fortune, reward, satisfaction, reminiscing, rewards.
32 / 5
Acclaim and acknowledgement for work and effort.
22nd to the 27th of July
1st of August to the 11th of August
Hawthorn is a heart tonic and an expectorant. It promotes healthy blood circulation and helps with digestion and appetite.
Hawthorn can be used for all heart problems, as it brings balance into the blood pressure, and relives pain in the heart.
The Six of Wands speaks of equilibrium, stability, the balance of mind and spirit, and harmony.
The Six of Wands is a card that indicates changes that may refer to conditions, attitudes, thoughts and ideas.
The Six of Wands tells us that after the height of achievement comes a new phase of hard work to keep hold of what has been gained. The Six of Wands concentrates on public acclaim and success; something which can be recognized and appreciated by others. It does not merely signify satisfaction for personal gain.
The Six of Wands relates to the number 32 / 5 and tells of one who is unconventional and who has a strong, vital energy, but who needs freedom and change.
Sixes in a reading indicate adaptability and the ability to change in times of difficulty.
Appearing in a spread, the Six of Wands indicates a deserved victory after a period of struggle. In a reading, the Six of Wands may be informing you that you could receive some great news that will enhance your victory. It indicates that there is good news or positive information on the way, and tells that success is near. If you have been awaiting news of a special project, the Six of Wands tells that the response will be a positive one.
The Six of Wands tells of success after positive persistence and tells of reaping the results of your efforts and positive returns for a job well done.
It depicts a person who has confidence in what they are doing and seeing growth in their achievements.
Success and achievement in some enterprise is indicated when the 6 of Wands appears in a reading. A great deal of energy and effort has been put into a project or venture, and you are now in a position to reap the rewards and celebrate.
The Six of Wands implies that your successful endeavours will attract public recognition of some kind, be it an article in a local newspaper or something more widespread. Public accolades will be yours and are well deserved.
On a relationship level, the Six of Wands in a spread indicates that relationships are on the improve.
The Six of Wands indicates that efforts and endeavours to do with the arts and/or the sciences will prove successful.
The Six of Wands asks that you take the time to celebrate. You have been faced with some difficult times, and now you are in a position to relax, rejoice and be happy. It signifies a time of achievement, reward and success, usually in the public arena. It indicates a long-awaited goal, such as publishing a book, getting a promotion or achieving success in any chosen field.
The Six of Wands tells of temporary gains and small victories, and also of cessation within a struggle. In a reading, the Six of Wands asks you to have faith in yourself. It suggests that good news is coming and there is an improvement in a relationship.
The Six of Wands gives acknowledgment for efforts made.
The Six of Wands indicates to you that it is a great time to organize a much needed rest, vacation or break away from routine.
If there is concern for the health of a loved one or yourself, the Six of Wands indicates that good health will be restored in quick time.
It asks that you have faith and know that you can succeed and win.
Two 6s appearing in a spread tells of justifiable faith and trust in your partner.
Three Sixes tells of an exciting romance. They imply that there are ‘romantic times’ ahead.
Four 6s appearing in a spread tells of emotional security.
Next to The FOOL:
When the Six of Wands appears in a reading next to The Fool, it indicates that there are still some obstacles and challenges ahead, so remain aware and focused.
When the Six of Wands appears next to The High Priestess in a spread, it indicates that a time is coming up where you may be intrigued and interested in the metaphysical/spiritual realm. Placed next to the High Priestess, the Six of Wands tells that it is important to seek out more knowledge of the metaphysical philosophy.
When the Six of Wands appears next to The Heirophant in a spread it implies that there may be someone around you who is supportive and generous and who will assist you when needed. This person understands the needs of others and responds accordingly. This person is well-established within themselves and their life, and is in a position to be of the utmost help and assistance. If you were to ask for assistance from this person it is likely that they would be generous towards you with their time and knowledge.
Apprehension, fear, delay, misunderstandings, treachery, disloyalty, vulnerability, nostalgia.
Reversed, the Six of Wands advises that you offer friendship and conciliation to old adversaries, rather than gloat about your success. You will be far happier within yourself once efforts have been made to repair friendships.
When the Six of Wands appears reversed in a reading it is indicating the inability of plans to work out positively. The completion of a project has been postponed or has gone without proper recognition, bringing disappointment. Some revisions and adjustments will need to be made.
The Six of Wands reversed tells of over-due bills, money owed and unmade payments. These must be looked into and rectified.
The reversed Six of Wands asks that you be aware of your own sense of pride, and not to allow it to come to the fore, as this may harm your reputation amongst others at this time.
The Six of Wands reversed warns you to keep tabs on stress, pressure and tension in your life. Do not allow it to take over day to day dealings.
The Six of Wands reversed implies that someone may attempt to take advantage of you. Remain aware and do not allow it to happen as this may undermine you and your position. The reversed Six of Wands implies that the results of your efforts going to someone else and being taken advantage of.
The reversed 6 of Wands also implies that any recognition or payment due will be delayed at this time.
Some expected news or information will be delayed and/or there will be some misunderstandings and a lack of proper communication, when the Six of Wands appears reversed in a reading.
If your query concerns health issues relating to yourself of someone you care for, the outcome will be positive, although there may be a delay or prolonged healing and recovery time.
Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes
NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energy of Numbers
ANGEL NUMBERS - Repeating Number Sequences
What is the meaning of 2 6s with the Lovers card (also a 6)? Does it mean the same as 3 sixes or is there a different meaning?